Monday 29 March 2010

27 March

Today was Mark’s 30th birthday.  Jo organized a surprise game of human table football in the afternoon, which was great fun, and then in the evening there was an excellent party at their house.  We had to dress up as what we wanted to be when we were young.  I’m an engine driver.  Clare took this photo, but I don’t know when exactly.  I’m going to guess it was about 21.00.


Leen said...

Don't know what your readers are thinking. Surely this deserves a comment... rabbit killer!

droid said...

Is that someone else's hair to your left or are you now sporting a fantastic Maradona-esque mullet?

Matthew said...

I'd really love to be able to claim the mullet, but tragically it was someone else's.

droid said...

Oh well, at least you did a few lines of squirrel at the party.

Roger Hutchings said...

Just remarkable!